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A prostatic stent is a small cylinder-shaped device placed in the urethra to allow urine to pass through freely. They are used in cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or an enlarged prostate to open the blockage and relieve lower urinary tract symptoms. Prostatic stents are a solution for the symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate, including: 

  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Difficulty starting urination
  • Slow urination
  • Urgency at night
  • Stopping and starting during urination
  • Bladder fullness after urination
  • Frequent urinary tract infections

There are two types of prostatic stents: temporary and permanent. These both have the advantage of being outpatient procedures where the patient may go home after insertion. They are both safe and generally well-tolerated treatment options for BPH. 

What to Expect:

Placement of a prostatic stent is performed under local anesthesia and usually only takes 15-30 minutes under topical or general anesthesia. Temporary stents are inserted similarly to a Foley catheter using only topical anesthesia. In both cases, the stent is placed in a position that props the urethra open and prevents the prostate from blocking urine flow. 

Mild discomfort following the procedure is normal, and there may be inflammation for the first couple of days. Once these symptoms subside, the patient will experience relief from their BPH symptoms.

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